Echinacea's Empowering Benefits

To Be Edited

Grab The Lesson Slides Here
Your Echinacea Cheat Sheet
Get Your Echinacea Recipes Here!
Echinacea's Empowering Benefits Workbook

Thank You!  

Thank you for investing in this class, trusting me as your teacher, and taking the steps to keep yourself, your family, and our planet healthy! You are an essential part of making herbalism #SpreadLikeWildFlowers !

This lesson is just a tiny piece of what we do inside of the Apothecary Momma Herbal Mentorship.  If you enjoyed this class, and love learning about herbs, come join us!

Forever Grateful,

Find The Latest Herbal Digs Here

What's New On The Herbalist's Path

Loving this herb learning stuff as much as I do? Check out my latest podcast episodes here. They're always filled with guest expert interviews, great tips, tricks, and those friendly little reminders that there's a plant that can help you, and you may have forgotten about. 

Have friends you think need to hear about this stuff too? Please share these episodes with them, so that together, we can make herbalism #SpreadLikeWildFlowers!

Love Learning This Stuff & Want More?

Check Out My Other Herb Programs

Naturally Healed;
Kid Safe Herbal Remedies
Feel confident using safe, effective herbal remedies for your little ones with Naturally Healed: Kid Safe Herbal Remedies. This program equips you with essential herbs and safety guidelines to naturally care for your child’s health—and these herbs are great for you too, momma!
Join Naturally Healed
Medicine Makin' Momma  
Take your herbal remedy-making skills to the next level with Medicine Makin' Mommas. Learn to confidently create potent, effective remedies for your family or even to sell—combining the art and science of herbal medicine to craft remedies that work and taste great. You'll feel empowered knowing your remedies are safe and powerful enough to share with others.
Make GREAT Medicine!
Community Herbalist Certification 

Step into your role as a trusted community healer with the Community Herbalist Certification Program. This program equips you with the skills to create remedies and work directly with people to heal the root causes of their health concerns. Be the healer in your community and make a lasting impact with the power of herbal medicine.

Be The Healer In Your Community

Thanks Again!!  

May you continue to love connecting with plants and embracing their powerful medicine!

Peace, Love, Planet, & Plants,
