Natural Herbs For Wildfire Smoke & Lung Health

Wildfire season is here again, and with it comes the urgent need to protect our lungs from the smoke that blankets our skies. Living in Oregon, I've witnessed the toll these fires take—not just on our breathtaking landscapes but on our health too. Let's explore the powerful herbs that can help keep your lungs safe during this challenging time.




The Impact of Smoke on Health

Breathing in smoke is harmful. It irritates the respiratory tract, causing coughing, discomfort, and even skin irritation. So, let’s talk about some simple, easy-to-find herbs that can help ease these symptoms.


Aniseed: A Kitchen Staple for Respiratory Relief

Aniseed is a common kitchen ingredient that works wonders for dry, irritating coughs. Whether it’s bronchitis, asthma, or a smoker’s cough, aniseed can help soothe the respiratory tract. You can make a simple tea or mix it with honey for a sweet, soothing remedy.


Marshmallow Root: Nature’s Mucilage for Respiratory Soothing

Marshmallow root, especially from the Althea officinalis plant, is packed with mucilaginous polysaccharides that are incredibly soothing to the respiratory system. A cold infusion of marshmallow root creates a slimy, yet highly effective, drink that coats and cools the throat.


Slippery Elm: A Delicate Herb with Powerful Properties

Slippery elm shares many of the same benefits as marshmallow root. However, due to over-harvesting, it’s crucial to source it responsibly. Like marshmallow, it’s excellent for soothing and coating the respiratory tract, making it ideal for dealing with smoke inhalation.


Lungwort: A Treasure From the Trees for Healthy Lungs

Lungwort, a lichen that resembles lung tissue, is a powerful remedy for respiratory health. It thrives in unpolluted forests, making it a symbol of the delicate balance of our environment. I have a deep personal connection to lungwort, which revealed its healing power to me during a difficult time with bronchitis.


Licorice Root: A Sweet Solution for Respiratory Relief

Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is another fantastic herb for respiratory health. It’s demulcent, meaning it soothes and coats the mucous membranes, helping to prevent cough spasms and ease inflammation. Its sweet flavor also makes it a delightful addition to any herbal blend.


A Blend for Wildfire Season

For those affected by wildfire smoke, consider blending marshmallow root, plantain leaves, lungwort lichen, licorice root, and possibly mullin or elecampane root. This combination offers a powerful, soothing remedy for smoke-inhalation-related respiratory issues.


A Word of Gratitude

I’m incredibly grateful for the herbs that help us during these challenging times and for the brave firefighters who work tirelessly to protect our homes and forests. Please share this information with anyone who may benefit from it during wildfire season, and let’s make herbalism #SpreadLikeWildFlowers.


Upcoming Events

Before we go, I’m thrilled to announce that next week, on August 14th, Brittany from Eudaimonia Herbs will be our guest teacher inside the Apothecary Mama Herbal Mentorship. She’ll be discussing herbs for smoking—how to use them as medicine. This is an exciting opportunity to learn from another knowledgeable herbalist. 

Connect with us on Instagram, email me at [email protected], or follow us on Facebook and TikTok. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a review and share it with your friends.

Thank you for being part of this journey and for helping to spread herbalism like wildflowers. Stay safe, breathe easy, and keep the love for our planet strong.

We Love the Mission and Sustainable Herbs available through Oshala Herb Farm, WishGarden Herbs & Mountain Rose Herbs and receive a small commission when you purchase through our affiliate links. Thank you for supporting our small business, and others on a mission to make this planet a better place to live!
 *Always remember to contact your healthcare provider when considering the use of botanical medicine as a possible treatment option and the medical considerations. While the information in this article is absolutely relevant, herbs work differently for each person and each condition.
 **I am a trained herbalist and not a licensed or registered healthcare practitioner. I cannot diagnose health conditions, nor prescribe medicines legally; I am not a medical doctor. However, I will recommend or suggest medicinal herbs for various health complaints, as I do believe in the safety and efficacy of botanical medicine.
 ***The information I’ve provided is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing.

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