Back to School Herbs: Natural Remedies to Boost Your Child's Health and Focus

As the school season kicks off, many parents are filled with both excitement and anxiety. Whether your kids are returning to public school, attending outdoor school, or homeschooling, the transition can be challenging. The good news is that there are some powerful herbs you can incorporate into your routine to support your child’s health and help you navigate the busy school year.
Having gone through various schooling experiences with my daughter—public school, outdoor school, and homeschooling—I’ve found that certain herbs have been invaluable. These herbs not only support immune health but also help manage stress and improve focus, making them essential tools in your back-to-school arsenal. Let’s dive into three of my favorites.
1. Garlic: The Kitchen Staple with Superpowers
Garlic is likely already a staple in your kitchen, but its health benefits are often underestimated. This potent herb is a must-have for immune support, especially during the school year when colds and flus are rampant. Garlic is a powerful antiviral, particularly effective against flu viruses, and it also has antibacterial properties that can combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
To get the most out of garlic’s health benefits, use it raw. Crushing or scoring garlic releases allicin, the compound responsible for its antibacterial properties. However, consuming raw garlic can be intense, especially for kids. A great way to make it more palatable is by preparing fermented garlic honey. This preparation not only preserves the raw garlic's potency but also adds the soothing, antimicrobial benefits of honey. If you're interested in trying this, reach out for my recipe!
2. Tulsi (Holy Basil): The Brain-Boosting Adaptogen
Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is another fantastic herb to support your child during the school year. It’s particularly helpful for improving focus and clarity, as it increases circulation to the brain, enhancing oxygenation. This can be incredibly beneficial for kids dealing with ADHD, poor memory, or just the general stresses of school.
Tulsi isn’t just a brain booster; it’s also an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body adapt to stress. Whether your child is facing peer pressure, test anxiety, or the general stress of a busy schedule, Tulsi can help stabilize mood and energy levels. It’s also known for its uplifting properties, making it a great herb for anyone dealing with seasonal affective disorder. Tulsi is delicious as a tea, and its taste is usually well-received by kids, making it an easy addition to their daily routine.
3. Elderberries: The Immune System Warrior
Elderberries are well-known for their ability to support the immune system, making them a staple for any back-to-school health plan. This herb is particularly effective against flu viruses and has been shown to shorten the duration of illness, which is a game-changer during cold and flu season.
It’s east to make Elderberry syrup which is a tasty and effective way to get kids to take their medicine. It’s not only rich in vitamin C, but it also strengthens cell walls, making it harder for viruses to penetrate and cause illness. At the first sign of a sniffle, or when you notice illness spreading through the classroom, start dosing up on elderberry to keep your family healthy.
These three herbs—garlic, Tulsi, and elderberries—are incredible tools for keeping your family healthy throughout the school year. When you bring them into your life, you can boost your child’s immune system, reduce stress, and improve their focus and performance in school.
If you’re interested in learning more about herbs for back-to-school, be sure to check out my workshop, Herbs to Thrive in School, where I dive deeper into these topics.
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