Ease Your Kid's Anxiety With Natural Herbal Remedies

A picture of a boy leaning on a tree, looking into the distance, looking a sad
As a parent, you know all too well the stress and anxiety that can come with the back-to-school season. What’s even more challenging? Watching your kids feel that stress too. From stomach aches to sleepless nights, school-related anxiety in children is on the rise—but there’s good news. Natural, gentle herbal remedies can make a huge difference in calming those nerves and helping your child thrive throughout the school year.




In my latest episode of The Herbalist's Path, I dive deep into part two of our back-to-school herbal support series. This time, we're focusing on herbs that help ease anxiety—especially those feelings that pop up around school time.


What You’ll Learn:

  • The most common symptoms of anxiety in kids (hint: tummy aches and irritability are big signs!)
  • How chronic stress impacts your child's immune system (yep, there’s a connection!)
  • My top three go-to herbs for calming anxiety: Lemon Balm, Linden, and Chamomile
  • Practical ways to incorporate these herbs into your child’s routine—from teas to tinctures and even honey infusions! 


Top Herbs to Calm School Anxiety

  1. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon Balm is one of my favorite herbs for calming both kids and adults. It’s a gentle, uplifting herb that helps ease nervousness, stress, and even those what-if racing thoughts that can plague kids’ minds during school.

2. Linden (Tilia spp.) 

This heart-soothing herb is perfect for kids who feel stress physically—whether it’s tight shoulders, headaches, or heart palpitations. Linden’s calming effect extends to the cardiovascular system, making it a wonderful herb for overall relaxation.

3. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

Chamomile is the perfect herb for soothing both the nervous system and the digestive tract, which is ideal for kids who experience anxiety-induced tummy aches. It’s also a familiar, comforting herb that kids tend to love, especially in tea form.


How to Use These Herbs

The great news is that incorporating these herbs into your child’s routine is super easy! You can make delicious herbal teas, tinctures, or even try infusing honey with calming herbs like Lemon Balm and Chamomile. Not only will these remedies help your child relax, but they’ll also help create a nurturing connection between you and your little one. Want to dive deeper into herbal medicine making, check out Medicine Makin’ Mommas where you’ll be a pro at making safe, tasty medicine that works, in no time!


Ready to Learn More?

Listen to the full episode of The Herbalist’s Path where I dive deeper into these herbs and give you practical tips to help ease your child’s school-related anxiety naturally. Be sure to checkout part one in this series which is all about supporting your kid’s immune health with herbs. And, stay tuned for part three of our back-to-school series, where I’ll be talking about herbs to boost brain function and focus for kids.


👉 Listen to: Herbs to Boost Kids Immune Health
👉 Join the waitlist for Naturally Healed: Kid Safe Herbal Remedies

We Love the Mission and Sustainable Herbs available through Oshala Herb Farm, WishGarden Herbs & Mountain Rose Herbs and receive a small commission when you purchase through our affiliate links. Thank you for supporting our small business, and others on a mission to make this planet a better place to live!
 *Always remember to contact your healthcare provider when considering the use of botanical medicine as a possible treatment option and the medical considerations. While the information in this article is absolutely relevant, herbs work differently for each person and each condition.
 **I am a trained herbalist and not a licensed or registered healthcare practitioner. I cannot diagnose health conditions, nor prescribe medicines legally; I am not a medical doctor. However, I will recommend or suggest medicinal herbs for various health complaints, as I do believe in the safety and efficacy of botanical medicine.
 ***The information I’ve provided is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing.

Ready To Learn More?

Check These Out These Programs, I Promise They're Fun & You'll Learn A Ton!

Kid Safe Herb Club

Each month we'll do a deep dive lesson on one herb and its many medicinal uses. Plus, you'll get lessons on the foundations of herbalismplant identification skills, and sustainability in herbalism. Plus, every month we'll do a live Herbal Show & Tell in the community! All for $7!

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Apothecary Momma Herbal Mentorship

Live weekly classes & Q & A, plus a growing library of lessons to help moms handle everything from cradle cap to acne covered skin, and everything in between. It's all about empowering you, so that you can take your family's health back into your own hands.

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Medicine Makin' Mommas

Start making safe & effective herbal remedies that actually work, and taste great too, so that you don't have to worry the next time the store runs out of the other remedies. From tinctures to salves, to lotions, and potions galore, we'll cover it all!

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